Schools and learning

Vaccination information for children starting Reception in September 2024

A message from Public Health, NHS England North West, for parents who have children starting Reception in September 2024.

The measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine is one of the most studied vaccines and millions of doses are given every year.

As your child starts school, we recommend that they have had two doses of the MMR vaccine to ensure they are fully protected, as the complications of measles can be severe and life changing. You will also be protecting them against the mumps and rubella, which can also be a serious illnesses.

Measles cases are rising in the North West so it is important that you check your child's red book to see if they have had their pre-school booster vaccine and two doses of MMR. If not, contact your GP surgery to make an appointment.

Find out more about the MMR vaccine on the GOV.UK website.

This year your child will also be eligible for a free nasal flu vaccine and this will be offered to them at their school during the autumn term.

Public Health, NHS England North West