Council Tax

Application for a sole or main residence discount


Liverpool property address

Enter your address manually

Do you own this property?
Is it furnished?
Are you the council tax payer at this address?
Do you return to the Liverpool address?

Other property

Do you own this property?
Is it furnished
Are you the council tax payer at this address?

Both properties

Which property do you consider your main residence?
Where do you keep most of your personal possessions?
Which property are you registered to vote?
Where are you registered for Income Tax purposes?
Which address is used for official mail?
Which address is registered with your GP?
Do you have a spouse/partner/other adults who live with you at either address?

Spouse/partner/other details

Where does your spouse/partner/other adults live?
Where does your spouse/partner/other adults keep their possessions?
Where does your spouse/partner/other adults travel to work from?


Do you have children who live with you?
Which address is registered with your GP?

Other information


The details I have provided are accurate. By continuing you are confirming that we can make the necessary checks and contact any local authority to verify the information you have declared.