Planning and building control

Tell us when building work is starting and arrange a site inspection

After you have submitted and paid for your building regulations application, you'll need to tell us when your building work is starting - at least two working days before the work starts.

This is so we can arrange the first site inspection to ensure that the work meets building regulation standards.

There is no fee associated with giving notice.

Do not give notice until you have applied and paid for building regulation approval.

How to give notice and book a site inspection

You can tell us when work is starting and book a site inspection via the LABC app or using the online form below.

LABC app

Request site inspections through your mobile device whilst out on site by downloading the LABC app. The app is free of charge.

Visit the LABC website to download the app.


Give notice of commencement of building works

Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data.

Please contact us if you have any questions.