In December 2020, Liverpool City Council underwent a Best Value inspection. The resulting report detailed the Council’s failure to comply with its Best Value Duty in multiple areas and called for a government intervention, led by a team of Commissioners.
The intervention, underpinned by legal Directions on the Council, began on 10th June 2021 and gave Commissioners powers in Property, Regeneration, Highways and their associated governance, and was due to last for three years. It was expanded to include powers over finance and appointments in November 2022.
In March 2024, Commissioners recommended that all powers should be returned to the Council from 10th June 2024, bringing the Commissioner-led intervention to an end. However, they also recommended that the intervention continue in the form of a Statutory Improvement and Assurance Board, underpinned by Directions set by the Secretary of State who, in May 2024, announced he was minded to implement these recommendations. Before a final decision was made, a general election was called for 4th July 2024 and the next Government must decide what actions to take. From the 9th June, Commissioner appointments and the Best Value intervention will therefore cease.