Benefits and support

Apply for Discretionary Housing Payments


Personal details

Enter your address manually

Your household

Does your Housing Benefit or housing element of Universal Credit meet your full rent?
Do you have any rent arrears?
Have you (or your partner if you have one) applied for a Discretionary Housing Payment before?
Do you have a partner?

By children we mean a child under the age of 20 who you are getting Child Benefit for.

Click + to add childs date of birth.

Do any children live with you?
Do you have any children who do not live with you?
Do any other adults live with you?
Are you or any member of your household disabled?
Has your property been adapted as a result of your / a member of your household's disability?
Do you or your partner have a non-resident overnight carer or team of carers who provide care on a regular basis?
Do they have their own bedroom?
Are you or any member of your family expecting a baby?
Does your household include a student who lives away during term time?
Does your household include a member of the armed forces who lives with you when home on leave?
Are you a registered foster carer?


Tell us about all income you and your partner receive. Please ensure that this is as accurate as possible so that we can make an informed decision on your current circumstances.

Do you receive Universal Credit?
Your details
Your partner's details

Capital and Savings

Please tell us about any capital, savings or investments you have. If you have a partner you will also need to include any capital, savings or investments they have.

Your partner's capital savings
Partner capital savings


Please tell us about your (and your partners if you have one) regular household outgoings

Please enter your monthly outgoings

Debts - Please list any outstanding debts – examples of debts include gas, electricity, water rates, loans, DWP loan repayments, credit union payments, credit/store cards, catalogue payments, hire purchase agreements, Court Orders’

Have you made any enquiries about reducing the Amount(s) you are paying?

Review Your Answers


Are you the person making the claim, or have you answered the questions on behalf of the person making this claim?


I understand the following:

  • You will use the information I have given you to process my application for a Discretionary Housing Payment. You may check the information with other sources within the council, and other councils or government departments.
  • You may use any information I have given you in connection with this and any other claim for social security benefits that I have made or may make. You may give some information to other government organisations or local authority services, if the law allows this.
  • I understand that if I give incorrect or incomplete information or I fail to report any change of circumstances which might affect my benefit, you may take action against me and that this could involve prosecution.

I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete. I will tell you immediately if any circumstances change

Do you give us permission to contact your Landlord if we need further information in order to consider your Discretionary Housing Payment application?
Additional Assistance
