Equality, diversity and inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Cohesion Impacts

Impact assessments

We analyse the impact of our policies and practices on equality and this informs policy design and final decision-making. You can view key data, policies and strategies and reports which feed into this process. We also use the results of public consultations and you can view the list of current consultation exercises and information about how you can get involved.

Using equality analysis to consider the effect on different groups protected from discrimination by the Equality Act and using information to understand the potential effects of our actions, can help us to identify steps to tackle any negative effects or discrimination, to advance equality and to foster good relations.

Impact assessment process

Our impact assessment process analyses the effects on equality to inform decision-making and includes all the protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 and socio-economic status and care experienced people (added in November 2023).

Equality impact assessments are an important tool in demonstrating how we as a council have paid, and are paying, due regard to the Public Sector Equality Duty. Equality assessments form part of the information provided to decision makers within the council and are available as part of the relevant Cabinet decision or committee report.

Example impact assessments by service area

Adult services and health

Budget 2023/24

Children and young people

Neighbourhoods and housing

Strategy and change

City development