May 2nd 2024 Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mayoral and PCC elections — candidates, voter ID and where to vote.

Vision, aims and values

Best Value inspection report

Liverpool City Council takes the findings of a report from Government inspector, Max Caller CBE, into its Highways, Regeneration and Property Management functions extremely seriously.

The inspector has found failings in relation to land disposal, governance and the relationship between elected members and officers, and makes a series of recommendations to tackle them.

This includes sending commissioners to work alongside officers and councillors, a reduction in councillors and a move to all-out elections every four years.

Crucially, Max Caller has made it clear that he believes the organisation has already taken steps to address the issues, since the arrival of Chief Executive Tony Reeves in 2018.

The council has pledged to address all of the concerns raised and continue its journey of improvement. On this page you will find the latest statements and information related to the report, and the action we are taking.

Best Value inspection action plan timeline

Commissioners in post to advise and support parts of Liverpool City Council.

Up to six months

  • Restructure of regeneration department
  • New file management system to improve transparency around decision-making

Up to 12 months

  • Changes to highways operations and contract commissioning
  • Changes to Liverpool City Council constitution linked to audit and governance

Up to two years

New governance of wholly-owned council companies.

Up to three years

  • Delivery of improvement plan
  • Devise and implement programme of cultural change
  • All-out elections and potential reduction of councillor number and wards