Consultation and engagement


If you're a resident, someone who works in the city, or are affiliated to a local organisation, the council is keen for you to voice your opinion.

We want to consult with as many people as possible on a variety of subjects either online or during face-to face focus groups.

Without your input we can't make the changes or improvements that our city needs. Take a look at the range of active consultations — see how you can get involved and have your say on key Liverpool issues.

  • Consultation on a new Local Plan for Liverpool

    Start date: Monday 16th September 2024
    End date: Thursday 24th November 2024

    We are in the early stages of updating the Local Plan, and want to hear your views by commenting on our engagement scoping document, which is one of the first steps in developing a new Local Plan for Liverpool.

  • Consultation on the Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/26

    Start date: Wednesday 10th September 2024 
    End date: Monday 14th October 2024

    We are proposing to change the Council Tax Support Scheme from 1st April 2025 to simplify the rules and provide some certainty for people moving into or out of work. The current scheme has not been reviewed since it started in 2013, and we would like to hear your views on our proposals. 

  • Consultation on Vauxhall Road Active Travel Improvements

    Start date: Monday 2nd September 2024
    End date: Wednesday 2nd October 2024

    We want your views on a scheme to improve walking and cycling facilities and traffic flow along Vauxhall Road and Commercial Road. 

  • Consultation on the Draft Gambling Act Policy Statement of Principles 2025–2028

    Start date: Monday 12th August 2024
    End date: Monday 23rd September 2024

    Liverpool City Council has prepared a draft Gambling Act Policy Statement of Principles for 2025-2028 in accordance with the statutory requirement to publish a new statement every three years. We would like to hear your views on it. 

  • Adult social care user feedback

    Starts: 15th May 2023
    Ends: Ongoing

    This consultation is open to residents who have recently received a service from the council's Adult Social Care and Health team to help us improve services.