The provider will only use the grant for the purpose of extending or establishing new Wraparound care from 8am -6pm.
The funding is used for the purpose identified on the application form.
Wraparound care created through this grant must be available for at least five years.
The provider must give Liverpool City Council officers the right of access to confirm grant expenditure and carry out grant monitoring visits.
If the provider ceases to operate and the Wraparound places are no longer available, within one year of the date of the agreement, Liverpool City Council officers must be notified immediately. The group will either return the items purchased through the grant or reimburse full cost of grant paid.
It is the provider’s responsibility to ensure that all items purchased through the grant is of good quality and is safe, strong, and durable and is marked with the ‘CE’ safety symbol and purchased from reputable suppliers.
It is the provider’s responsibility to ensure that adequate insurance cover is in place for all items purchased through the grant.
Liverpool City Council will not accept any liability for any damage or injury occurring as a result of the use of any items purchased through the grant, nor will they be responsible for any ongoing repairs, loss of or damage to the items.
Successful applicants will enter a grant funding agreement with Liverpool City Council. The terms and conditions of which may vary dependent on the type of setting.
The provider will report to Liverpool City Council, on the use of the grant funding via regular progress reports and evidence of spend starting from six months of the award.
All documentation relating to this funding must be kept for a minimum of six plus the current year and be made available to Liverpool City Council staff or their nominated representatives for audit purposes.
Ensure their provision is inclusive and has considered the needs of all children, including those with SEND and additional needs.
Where appropriate, promote availability of government childcare subsidies to parents, including Tax-Free childcare and Universal Credit childcare elements.
Deliver provision that aligns with the quality principles, including the requirement for all private, voluntary and independent (PVI) providers to be Ofsted registered, or in the case of childminders, to be registered with Ofsted or a childminder agency.