Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Children and families

Wraparound Childcare Revenue Grant

The Government has awarded us money to increase before and after school care for primary school children from September 2024 until March 2026. This funding has two elements – capital and revenue. This page tells you how to apply for the revenue element.

Application window opens: Wednesday 18th December 2024
Deadline for applications: Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Who can apply for this grant?

To apply for this grant you, as a provider, must:

  • be a private, voluntary or independent childcare, childminder or school operating in Liverpool
  • be registered with Ofsted, an independent schools’ inspectorate, or childminder agency
  • have an Ofsted rating of ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’, or prove you can achieve either rating if you are a new setting awaiting inspection 

We cannot offer grants to a provider rated ‘inadequate’ by Ofsted and will only award funds to providers rated ‘requires improvement’ in exceptional circumstances.

In addition, you must:

  • prove you can offer wraparound care from 8am and 6pm from September 2024
  • prove the care you offer will be accessible for children with a range of needs
  • state the hours of operation and the number of new places you can offer, and why you think these places are needed 
  • prove you can provide transport where provision is off site, or a 'walking bus' for short distances

What can this grant be spent on?

This grant is split into two elements – the ‘capital’ element and a ‘revenue’ element. This revenue application can be spent on costs, including:

  • staffing
  • training, including specialist training so staff are equipped to care for children with additional needs
  • transport costs, such as minibus hire only – to apply for funds to purchase minibus please see the Wraparound Childcare Capital Grant
  • resources
  • running costs while demand grows
  • free or subsidised places for the wraparound scheme staff – this will be limited and dependent on need

If your childcare setting has domestic premises on the site, we will need to be satisfied that the grant will be spent to improve childcare provision, unless there are exceptional reasons for the money being spent on general refurbishment.

What must this grant not be spent on?

You cannot apply for this grant to do the following:

  • cover any costs not involved in providing wraparound care
  • subsidise the cost of places for parents
  • pay for running cost of existing wraparound childcare places – this does not prevent you using the funding to help pay for the expansion of existing provision by creating new places or extending the day to cover 8am-6pm
  • pay for goods or services offered for free
  • pay for activities of a political or exclusively religious nature
  • recover the lost value of assets that are already owned, or to buy or improve assets
  • pay for single items of equipment or supplies of the value of £500 or above which have a shelf life of more than one year, or a number of items with the combined value of £500 – capital funding must be used for this purpose
  • pay VAT
  • pay interest or service charges for finance leases
  • pay for gifts to any one person, other than promotional items, with a value of more than £10 each year
  • pay for entertainment with taxable benefit to the person being entertained, according to current UK tax regulations
  • pay for statutory fines, criminal fines or penalties

Please read the full conditions for the Wraparound Childcare Revenue Grant.

How to apply for this grant

Please use the form linked below to apply for the grant before Wednesday 22nd January 2025.

You will need to select the appropriate banding and amount of funding you are applying for from the list below. The amounts are for the funding year 2024/25.

Band 1 – to extend hours of existing before-school provision to open at 8am, where after-school provision is already offered until 6pm: £68.41 per place per 39 week
Band 2 – to extend hours of existing after-school provision to 6pm, where before-school provision is already offered from 8am: £205.23 per place per 39 week
Band 3 – to set up before-school provision or add places from 8am in a setting where after-school places are already offered until 6pm: £273.64 per place per 39 week
Band 4 – to set up after-school club or add after-school places until 6pm, in a setting where before-school care is already offered from 8am: £820.92 per place per 39 week
Band 5  to set up new before and after-school provision from 8am-6pm: £1094.56 per place per 39 week

You will also need the following documents to hand to upload as evidence to complete your application form:

  • most Recent Ofsted report
  • admissions, safeguarding and inclusion policies

Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data.

Apply for a Wraparound Childcare Revenue Grant now

What happens next?

Once we have received your application, we will review it and the evidence you have submitted. If we need to ask you any additional questions, we will email you with them.

Your application will then be sent to the childcare grant’s panel which will determine if it is successful.

A decision on whether you will be awarded a grant will be made by Friday 7th February 2025.

How much will be awarded?

If your application is successful, the figure awarded will be the amount associated with the band you applied for, listed in the 'How to apply for this grant' details on this page above.

How are decisions made?

Applications will be discussed by a panel, with an emphasis on ensuring there is a good spread of provision across all areas of Liverpool.

What happens if an application is unsuccessful?

There is no appeals process, the panel decision is final due to limited funds, resources and a restrictive timescale for processing these grants. 

We can provide feedback on your application, highlighting the areas that received a lower score, if you email

Please note that there may be further rounds of funding allocations based on available funds and changes in sufficiency up until the March 2026 when the programme is due to end.

Further information and help

For help with this grant application, please email