Bank transfers made to us on Friday afternoon: Due to issues with our banking provider Barclays, we were unable to review transactions. If you cannot see a record of your payment or income in your account, please contact the relevant service area.

Communities and safety

How local people can help

Find out how you can support people seeking sanctuary in Liverpool.

Pledge your support

Liverpool City of Sanctuary unites people working with refugees and migrants. You, a local business or organisation can get involved. Find out how at

Make a donation or volunteer

See our list of local charities who take donations and volunteers.

To donate to people overseas, see Disasters Emergency Committee ( Alternatively, see the list of Red Cross emergency appeals.

Do you have a spare room? 

Refugees often need a place to stay. Find out how to offer a spare room via Refugees At Home

Are you interested in letting a property?

The council helps newly-granted refugees find a permanent home. Properties with four or more bedrooms are sought after. Please email

The Home Office employs Serco to find asylum accommodation. Email if you have a home to rent out.

Offers of work and training

If you have a job or work experience for a refugee, please contact Liverpool in Work

Read our FAQs for more information

All councils have key responsibilities and services they must provide for some migrants. In addition, we want Liverpool to be a welcoming city and Liverpool City Council is a migrant-friendly organisation where people can thrive from the day they arrive. We believe that this is of benefit of all residents.

The council will receive almost £10,000,000 of central government funding to carry out key responsibilities and provide services for people seeking sanctuary between 2024-2027.

This includes asylum dispersal, refugee resettlement and other integration grants. These grants are ringfenced which means the money we receive cannot be used for unrelated work. 

The work of the Our Liverpool team is not funded through Council Tax. 

The Home Office provides and pays for accommodation for adults and families seeking asylum. 

The council receives funding from central government for accommodation and support for residents on Refugee Resettlement Schemes and for unaccompanied asylum seeking minors. 

Residents who receive their refugee status in Liverpool are entitled to work and access benefits. They either pay their accommodation costs themselves or through benefits, the same as other residents.