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Consultation and engagement

Consultation on a Housing Design Guide

Start date: Monday 4th March 2024
End date: Monday 29th April 2024

What are we consulting on? 

We are producing a Housing Design Guide to set out the aspiration for and secure a high standard of housing development across the city. To help us shape the guide we’re asking the people of Liverpool to answer a short questionnaire to let us know what you value in your home and your area.

The design of our homes and neighbourhoods impacts our daily lives. Good design contributes to everyone’s quality of life. It can improve social wellbeing, physical health, and economic value. Well-designed and well-built places benefit people and communities, and can help create a new sense of identity, facilitate social integration and encourage a community’s sense of pride in their neighbourhood.

In summary, to improve housing design quality the Housing Design Guide will: 

  • Outline the diverse and distinctive characteristics of Liverpool’s residential neighbourhoods to ensure development proposals relate to their local built and natural environment
  • Cover the city’s housing typologies and scales from individual houses to high-rise apartments, and include guidance on suitable development types
  • Provide guidance and set parameters to raise the standard of housing, and improve the quality of place within new developments
  • Promote sustainable and inclusive design to deliver housing that responds to the climate crisis and people’s needs, and supports good quality of life
  • Provide guidance and clarity, equipping designers, developers and communities with the tools to design quality homes and neighbourhoods
  • Set clear design criteria and guidelines to help planning officers tasked with assessing the design quality of planning application

How to comment 

We'd like to know what you value in your home and your area. Please fill in our quick online survey using the button below. It will only take a few minutes and you do not need to answer every question.

Complete our online survey

A paper version is also available in Central Library.

What happens to my views? 

This survey is anonymous, and you will not be contacted about your answers.  The council will collate and share the information with Levitt Bernstein Associates, who are writing the guide.

The collated answers will be kept solely for engagement purposes only and will be destroyed 12 months after this consultation closes. 

What happens next? 

The answers will be considered and used to meaningfully shape the guidance within the Housing Design Guide. A number of public and stakeholder consultations will happen over the next 3 months, with a draft guide due by Summer 2024. This will be presented to councillors for approval before being published for formal consultation.

Further information 

If you have any questions about this consultation, please email

Please include 'Housing Design Guide' in the subject field when emailing.