Consultation and engagement

Consultation on admission arrangements for Corinthian Primary School

Start date: Monday 16th December 2024
End date: Friday 31st January 2025

What are we consulting on?

The School Admissions Code 2021 requires an admission authority to consult each time it proposes to make changes to its admission arrangements.

The process allows parents, schools admission authorities, local authorities and interested stakeholders to raise comments or concerns about the proposed arrangements.

This consultation is in relation to reducing the Reception admission numbers for Corinthian Primary School for academic year 2026-27.

Proposed changes

The Governing Body at Corinthian Primary School and Liverpool City Council are proposing to reduce the Planned Admission Number (PAN) from 60 to 30. This would mean the maximum number of pupils that can be admitted to Reception in academic year 2026/27 and subsequent years will be 30. There will be no change for children who already have a place at the school in other year groups.

Primary numbers are falling across the country and the latest primary forecast figures indicate that demand for reception places is continuing to reduce. There is surplus accommodation within this planning area and reducing the PAN will assist other schools and council to ensure long-term viability of place provision.

How to comment

Please send your comments in writing to Emma Murphy, School Organisation by:

Email to 

In writing to: Emma Murphy, School Organisation Liverpool City Council, Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH

What happens to my views?

Your comments may be used to inform our decision but your name or personal details will not appear next to them or used in any documents. All comments will be kept solely for the purposes of this consultation and will be destroyed 12 months after it closes.

What happens next?

The council will formally determine admission arrangements by 28th February 2025.  

Any subsequent objections will need to be made to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator by 15th May 2025.

Further information

If you have any questions about this consultation, please email