Consultation and engagement

Consultation on Grove Street green space in Liverpool’s Knowledge Quarter

Start date: 23rd September 2024
End date: 13th October 2024 

What are we consulting on?

Paddington Village is a major development project in Liverpool’s Knowledge Quarter that has already delivered a number of new buildings such as The Spine, Novotel, Liverpool International School and Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, and a portion of the new central public space.

Paddington Village South is the proposed next phase, with design work due to begin on the masterplan in Autumn 2024 in collaboration with the University of Liverpool. The ambition for the masterplan will be to create development opportunities in Liverpool’s thriving science, tech innovation and education sectors and to create a vibrant new neighbourhood for the area, centred around a new green space. Existing green space known as ‘Grove Street green space’ forms part of this land.

To find out how the Grove Street green space is currently used and to facilitate initial community engagement we have a survey for anyone who uses the green space at Grove Street, or has an interest in how it is used. This information will help formulate project objectives and inform the brief for the masterplan design team  which will be developed over the next few months and will inform the next stage of the development project.

How to comment

The following survey is voluntary and anonymous and should only take 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Complete our Grove Street Green Space survey

What happens to my views?

Once the consultation closes, results will be accessed by a restricted team in Liverpool City Council (LCC) and the masterplan design team.

The information will be used to help formulate project objectives and to gain an understanding of how this project can facilitate connections between the University of Liverpool and local residents. The information will be summarised and published in design reports shared between LCC and the design team, as well as included in a consultation report given to cabinet.  

The survey is anonymous and any information you give will not be linked to you and will be destroyed 12 months after the consultation closes.

What happens next?

The information gathered in the survey will be used to help formulate project objectives and to gain an understanding of how this project can facilitate connections between the University of Liverpool. The masterplan will be developed over the next few months and will inform the next stage of the development project.

Further information

Please direct any further queries to