Consultation and engagement

Consultation on Liverpool Pharmacy Services

Start date: Wednesday 18th September 2024
End date: Friday 1st November 2024

What are we consulting on?

Liverpool’s Health and Wellbeing Board is developing a new Pharmacy Needs Assessment (PNA) and reviewing the provision of pharmacies and chemists in the city to make sure it meets the needs of our residents now and in the future.

The public survey is open to everyone who uses Liverpool’s pharmacies and will help us ensure that the right services are being delivered in the right locations. This is your opportunity to have your say.

How to comment

If you use Liverpool's pharmacies please complete the online survey which will take 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

Start the Pharmacy Services survey

What happens to my views?

The findings will be considered in the needs assessment's overall recommendations.

Only members of the public health team will be able to see your responses. The survey is anonymous and any information you give will not be linked to you.

All comments will be kept solely for the purposes of this consultation and will be destroyed within 9 months of the final PNA being published.

We will always process and store your personal data securely and confidentially. Please see our privacy notice for more information.

What happens next?

The results of this survey will be included in the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) which will be published on 30th September 2025.

Further information

If you have any questions about this consultation, please email