Consultation and engagement

Consultation on Sefton Park Active Travel Corridor

Start date: Wednesday 2nd October 2024
End date: Wednesday 30th October 2024

What are we consulting on?

We have delivered new walking and cycling infrastructure across the Toxteth and Princes Park area over the last few years. We are now looking to extend this network to include Croxteth Road and Sefton Park Road, linking into Sefton Park.

Completion of this proposed route will make it easier and safer to walk and cycle, providing a continuous corridor from Catharine Street through to Sefton Park. This will connect schools, health centres and open spaces to communities both on and off the route.

The Sefton Park Active Travel Corridor proposals include upgrades to the pop-up cycle lane on Sefton Park Road, which was installed during Covid, along with new and improved infrastructure.

A series of designs for the pop-up cycle lane were developed, and a public consultation was held in autumn 2022, regarding proposals for a permanent scheme. The consultation received over 200 responses, with a large majority (90%) in favour of the proposals. Based on this, the design has been incorporated into the Sefton Park Active Travel Corridor proposals, and we are now asking for your feedback. Feedback from the consultation will be reviewed by  the Active Travel team in Liverpool City Council and our contracted  consultants for this consultation WSP, and will be used to help inform the final scheme proposals.

The area covered by the proposals extends for about 1.4km along Croxteth Road between Princes Avenue and Ullet Road and includes links to Sefton Park.

The aims of the Sefton Park Active Travel Corridor are to:

  • Deliver a segregated active travel corridor along Croxteth Road, providing safe and secure conditions for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Increase the numbers of people walking, wheeling and cycling along the Sefton Park Active Travel corridor.
  • Reduce the risk of traffic collisions for pedestrians and cyclists along the Sefton Park Active Travel corridor.
  • Improve health and well-being by encouraging more people to walk and cycle.
  • Support the Council’s air quality and carbon reduction targets by promoting sustainable travel and encouraging people to choose walking and cycling. 

To find out more about Sefton Park Active Travel Corridor, we will be running two drop-in consultation sessions where you can view the proposals in more detail and talk to the project team. The drop-in events will be held on the following dates: 

  • Saturday 19th October, 11am to 1pm: St Bede's Church, Fern Grove, Toxteth, L8 0SQ
  • Wednesday 23rd October, 5pm to 7pm: Granby Winter Garden, 37-39 Cairns Street, L8 2UW

You can download our 'At a glance' overview of the Sefton Park Active Travel Corridor proposals document below and a copy of the information boards. This will also be on display at the drop-in sessions.

How to comment

We would like your feedback on the proposals by completing our online survey. Please view the information provided above about the suggested improvements before responding to the survey.

Complete the Sefton Park active travel survey

If you need the project information and survey in paper form or alternative format, please contact and include 'Sefton Park Active Travel Corridor' in the subject field.

What happens to my views?

The information we collect in this survey will only be viewed and accessed by the council and our contracted consultants, WSP, and will be destroyed after 12 months. It will be used to help inform the final scheme proposals.

Your comments may be included in the consultation report and published on this website, but no personal details will appear next to them that could identify you. 

What happens next?

Following the public consultation events and survey, the project team will review all feedback, which will be used to help inform design and funding decisions. A report of the consultation responses will be prepared and provided to the council.

Further information

If you have any questions about this consultation, please email and state 'Sefton Park Active Travel Corridor' in the subject field. However, please use the survey to explain your views on the suggested improvements.