Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Equality analysis

We undertake equality analysis and use our equality impact assessment process to inform the development of our policies, procedures and service provision and the decisions we make.

Equality impact assessments are carried out when a new policy, procedure or service is being developed or significantly changed, and where a service review is taking place or where a potential inequality has been identified. Assessments include evidence-based analysis of equality impacts across the protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act and on socioeconomic status and care experienced people.

Equality impacts are considered for Cabinet decisions, medium-term financial plan proposals and delegated decisions where appropriate. The use of impact assessments across the council is being monitored and actions taken to make improvements where needed.

Example equality impact assessments

Papers for Cabinet and Full Council consider equality impacts. This includes EIAs where required. We also publish individual EIAs and a cumulative equality impact assessment to inform budget decisions.

Adult services and health

 Children and young people


City development

Strategy and change