Bank transfers made to us on Friday afternoon: Due to issues with our banking provider Barclays, we were unable to review transactions. If you cannot see a record of your payment or income in your account, please contact the relevant service area.

Commissioners archive (intervention expired)

Commissioners archive (intervention expired)

Statutory intervention expiry notice

The statutory intervention at Liverpool City Council ended when the directions and commissioner appointments expired on 9th June 2024. At this point, the council set up an independent Improvement and Assurance Board to ensure focus is maintained on continued improvement. The commissioner pages in this section are no longer being updated.

In December 2020, Liverpool City Council underwent a Best Value inspection. The resulting report detailed the Council’s failure to comply with its Best Value Duty in multiple areas and called for a government intervention, led by a team of Commissioners.

The intervention, underpinned by legal Directions on the Council, began on 10th June 2021 and gave Commissioners powers in Property, Regeneration, Highways and their associated governance, and was due to last for three years. It was expanded to include powers over finance and appointments in November 2022.

The statutory intervention at Liverpool City Council ended when the directions and commissioner appointments expired on 9th June 2024. At this point, the council set up an independent Improvement and Assurance Board to ensure focus is maintained on continued improvement.