Bank transfers made to us on Friday afternoon: Due to issues with our banking provider Barclays, we were unable to review transactions. If you cannot see a record of your payment or income in your account, please contact the relevant service area.

Commissioners archive (intervention expired)

Commissioners declarations of interest

Statutory intervention expiry notice

The statutory intervention at Liverpool City Council ended when the directions and commissioner appointments expired on 9th June 2024. At this point, the council set up an independent Improvement and Assurance Board to ensure focus is maintained on continued improvement. The commissioner pages in this section are no longer being updated.

In line with the Localism Act 2011, each Commissioner has declared any interests which may affect their role. The questions they are asked, and a summary of each of their recorded declarations, are set out below. For further details please contact commissioners​

The questions put to Commissioners:

1. Employment, business and professional activities

Are you employed within another organisation paid or unpaid outside your responsibilities and role relating to Liverpool City Council? Please also confirm employment details of your spouse/partner or other relevant person.

2. Interest in companies - holdings of stocks, shares, securities, directorships or financial interests

Do you or your partner or a close relative have any form of involvement with companies or a company you, your spouse/partner or close relative own, which have or intends to have dealings with the city council and/or the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, or any other involvement which could be perceived as a conflict of interest? Do you, your spouse/partner or a close relative hold any stocks, shares or securities of any form which has or intends to have dealings with the city council? To note, questions relating to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority relate to the authority rather than its constituent parts.

3. Schools, further and higher educational establishments

Are you, your spouse/partner or a close relative are a Governor, Fellow or hold any position of control or management of an educational establishment? 

4. Grant aid and funding

Do you, your spouse/partner or a close relative have any form of involvement with organisation(s) receiving grant aid funding or financial support from the city council?

5. Professional bodies and/or trade unions memberships

Are you, your spouse/partner or a close relative a member, affiliate or fellow of any professional bodies, associations or trade unions? 

6. Voluntary, community and charitable organisations

Do you, your spouse/partner or a close relative hold membership of any society, charity or voluntary organisation which has or intends to have dealings with the City Council and / or the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority or active in the local area? 

7. Interest in land property within Liverpool

Do you, your spouse/partner or close relative hold any form of interest in land or property within the area overseen by Liverpool City Council?

Declarations made by each Commissioner July 2022

The next review is due by 31st October 2022 and will be shared with the Standards and Ethics Committee prior to publication.

Mike Cunningham

  • Declared interests: Director MBC Advisory Services, Honorary Associate Professor at Liverpool John Moore University.
  • No potential conflicts of interests

Neil Gibson

  • Declared interests: Member of RPTI, CHIT Fellow, ADEPT Associate.
  • No potential conflicts of interests

Joanna Killian

  • Declared interests: Employed by Surrey County Council, Member of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives, Honorary Member CIPFA, and Vice Chair of the Association of Council Chief Executives. Ms Killen's partner is Executive Director of National Audit Office.
  • No potential conflicts of interests

Deborah McLaughlin

  • Declared interests: Director of DMCL and Associates, Chair of Board at ES Housing, Board member at ForHousing and Chair of Development and ForLiving Committee.
  • No potential conflicts of interests