Bank transfers made to us on Friday afternoon: Due to issues with our banking provider Barclays, we were unable to review transactions. If you cannot see a record of your payment or income in your account, please contact the relevant service area.

Commissioners archive (intervention expired)

Commissioners' publications

Statutory intervention expiry notice

The statutory intervention at Liverpool City Council ended when the directions and commissioner appointments expired on 9th June 2024. At this point, the council set up an independent Improvement and Assurance Board to ensure focus is maintained on continued improvement. The commissioner pages in this section are no longer being updated.

Documents and reports

Documents relating to the inspection into the governance of Liverpool City Council and the best value intervention can be viewed at Intervention at Liverpool City Council - GOV.UK.

Updates sent to the Secretary of State, letters from government ministers and the responses to them can be viewed on our Updates to the Secretary of State page

Commissioners' fees and expenses

A monthly breakdown of the Commissioners invoiced fees and expenses. Commissioners fees are set by the Department for Levelling up Housing and Communities at £1200 per day for the Lead Commissioner and £1100 per day for the other commissioners.

Commissioners Oversight and Assurance Board (COAB)

To enable Commissioners to monitor the council’s improvements more closely, key indicators of a stable council have been developed.

They are being monitored at a monthly meeting of the COAB.

You can find the minutes of each meeting below, along with the key indicators.