Voting and elections

Polling district review 2023

Every five years Liverpool City Council is required to carry out a review of our polling districts, polling places and polling stations.

Although a review took place last year, we are still required to carry out a review by 2025. With recent changes to the Parliamentary constituencies, Autumn 2023 is the best time to carry out the review ahead of the next Parliamentary election which must take place by January 2025.

What are we reviewing?

The review is designed to ensure the polling districts and polling places in Liverpool suit the needs of all voters.

We want to hear your views on the current polling places and any suggestions for alternative venues. We particularly want the views of disabled residents or those with expertise in ensuring ease of access to buildings for people with any type of disability. 

Please email us at if you need this in an alternative format. This document can also be viewed in person between 10am and 4pm on any working day at the Electoral Services Office, Liverpool City Council, Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH.

How to comment

We want your views on:

  • the suitability and availability of polling places
  • the accessibility of every polling place to electors who are disabled
  • whether the polling place is within reasonable reach of all electors from across a polling district
  • physical barriers such as parks, railway lines and main roads
  • the number of electors allocated to a polling station

Where possible, please include alternative places that may be used as polling places.

All comments should be emailed to or posted to Electoral Services, Liverpool City Council, Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH by 27th November 2023.

What happens to my views? 

Your feedback will be used solely to inform the Acting Returning Officer’s comments and collated to form part of the final proposal, however you will not be identified. Only anonymized information will be shared and available for public inspection. Information will be stored securely and will be destroyed six months after the review has finished.

What happens next?

  • 18th December 2023: Proposals for new voting arrangements and the Acting Returning Officer’s comments will be published in the voting and elections section of this website. 
  • 17th January 2024: Final proposals will be considered at Full Council.
  • 1st February 2024: If approved, the proposals will come into effect and the revised electoral register will be published.

Further information

For further information on this review, please email