Bank transfers made to us on Friday afternoon: Due to issues with our banking provider Barclays, we were unable to review transactions. If you cannot see a record of your payment or income in your account, please contact the relevant service area.

Help for rough sleepers

We want to find rough sleepers a safe place to sleep, and help them build a life away from the streets.

Worried about a rough sleeper?

If you are worried about someone who is sleeping rough in Liverpool, call our 24-hour ‘Always Help Available’ helpline on 0300 123 2041 or make an online referral

This service is delivered by the Whitechapel Centre and funded by Liverpool City Council.  

Help in severe weather conditions

Whitechapel Centre offers rough sleepers food and prescribed medication when:

  • temperatures will drop to 2 degrees Celsius or below at night
  • storms and high winds are forecast

In these conditions, temporary ‘sit-up’ communal spaces may also be set up.

How you can help

The best way to help a rough sleeper in Liverpool is to contact Whitechapel Centre using the online referral form or helpline number at the top of this page.

You can also donate to a local homelessness charity or volunteer with them.