Consultation and engagement

Consultation on Liverpool Housing Strategy

Start date: Wednesday 10th July 2024
End date: Friday 6th September 2024

What are we consulting on?

We want to hear your views on our new five-year Housing Strategy for Liverpool.

The draft strategy sets out our vision for what homes in Liverpool should be like; our priorities for improving the supply, quality, sustainability, and accessibility of homes; and how we will work with our communities and partners to achieve this vision. 

The four priority themes we have identified for this strategy are:

  • Delivering quality homes that support needs and aspirations 
  • Improving homes and neighbourhoods
  • Promoting healthier lives and sustainable homes
  • Enabling access to a suitable home 

How to comment

We want to hear from as wide a range of people as possible and will be engaging with people at events and in community spaces, as well as via this online survey.

We have commissioned Campbell Tickell to develop and carry out the survey. They have over 25 years of consultancy experience specialising in housing and homelessness. They have worked with numerous local authorities across the UK, helping them to refocus their strategies and delivery, particularly in housing, social care, health and homelessness.

They have developed the survey questions with the council, built the survey and will collect and analyse the results.

You can complete the online survey using the link below. 

Start the survey 

Translated versions of this survey are available in paper format on request. If you require a translated version, please email 

Community feedback events

Drop in to any of the sessions below where you can talk to community researchers and officers about the strategy and get help completing the survey: 

  • Wednesday 7th August, 9am to 6pm - Central Library
  • Monday 12th August, 10am to 6pm - Lifestyles Alsop
  • Tuesday 13th August, 9am to 4.30pm - Garston Library

What happens to my views?

At the end of the survey we ask for some personal information so that we can explore views by different population groups and geographies.

Your response will be recorded in a report produced by Campbell Tickell. Any information that can potentially identify individuals will be restricted and individual responses and comments will be anonymised. Once the consultation is completed, all collected data will be deleted

What happens next? 

In February 2024 we ran a survey to gather the views of a wide range of Liverpool’s residents on the city's housing needs, the housing issues they face, and what actions Liverpool City Council could take to improve housing in Liverpool for all. These views have been carefully considered and included in our new draft five-year Housing Strategy for Liverpool.   

Once we have collected the view of Liverpool’s residents and our stakeholders on our draft strategy, we will make any necessary changes to the strategy to reflect this. The new version of the strategy will then go to the council's cabinet for approval. The final strategy will be available to the public to read on this website.

Further information

If you have any questions about this consultation please email