Schools and learning

Gateacre Community Comprehensive School

School details

School details
School Type Secondary
Gender Mixed
Religion Does not apply
Specialism Humanities (Operational)
Head Teacher Mr Nabil Jamil
Address Hedgefield Road L25 2RW (map)
Telephone 363 1111


Download admissions policy from school website and check if supplementary application forms are required.

Admissions intake

Published Admission Number (PAN)
This year

Pupil Allocation Information

Pupil allocation (last year)
Pupil admission number 240
Pupils allocated 240
Children allocated to their preferred school by preference 1st 203
2nd 25
3rd 8
4th 0
5th 4
None 0
Number of parents expressing each preference 1st 192
2nd 80
3rd 40
4th 32
5th 40
Distance of the last child admitted in the last admission intake (miles) 2.601 miles

Ofsted performance

Latest performance report

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