Benefits and support

Household Support Fund

The Household Support Fund is a government fund that offers eligible households support with fuel, food and other essentials. The latest phase of the Household Support Fund covers the period from 1st October 2024 to 31st March 2025.

Who will get support?

We have allocated the Household Support Fund to those who need help most with food and energy costs, as detailed below. The council, or one of our partners, will contact eligible households directly, unless we have indicated below that you need to make an application.

1. Support with food costs for families in receipt of free school meals

We will provide funding to support families who have children receiving free school meals. A supermarket voucher of £15 per week will be provided for each child. Vouchers will be issued by schools for the October, Christmas and February half terms.

2. Supermarket vouchers for children in receipt of free early education

We will provide supermarket vouchers for families with a 2-year-old in receipt of free early education. Vouchers will be issued directly by Children and Young People's Services.

3. Support with food and energy bills for Care Leavers

We will provide support to care leavers to help with food and energy costs. The support will be provided directly by our Leaving Care Team.

4. Support with energy costs

Citizens Advice Liverpool will provide help with energy bills for people who meet the following criteria:

  1. People over the age of 65, on low income, and not in receipt of Pension Credit
  2. People living with multiple long-term health conditions
  3. People living with a new diagnosis of either cancer or a long-term respiratory problem
  4. People living with a severe mental impairment
  5. Lone parent households on the perinatal pathway (during pregnancy and the first year after birth)
  6. Low income households (households in financial difficulty and do not have other sources of support available to cover their household utility bills)

Visit the Citizens Advice Liverpool website for further details and how to apply.

5. Community food support - Feeding Liverpool

Feeding Liverpool will provide support for the emergency and community food sector. This will include emergency food provision, community food spaces (food clubs, pantries, food unions and community markets) and community meals.

6. Support with energy costs for small community groups

We provide one off grants of up to £500 for non-profit third sector organisations that are responsible for their own utility bills and have experienced at least a 50% rise in gas and electricity bills since 2021. Find out more about the third sector organisations energy grant.

7. Energy efficiency and boiler repairs

We will provide small winter warmer packs to households to assist in reducing energy bills. This will include blankets, radiator reflectors, thermal clothing, LED lightbulbs and cylinder jackets. We will also provide boiler repairs or replacements from January 2025 for some low-income households who meet specific criteria.

This fund will be administered by our Health Homes Team. Find out how to apply for a winter warmer pack, help with boiler repairs or a new boiler

If you do not fall into any of the eligible groups, you can still apply for support to the Liverpool Citizens Support Scheme for assistance which has been partly funded by the Household Support Fund or visit the government's cost of living hub for other help available.