Births, marriages, deaths

Burial and interment costs

The following costs are for the exclusive right of burial for 75 years and are inclusive of VAT, where applicable. 

Liverpool residents contribute to the maintenance and upkeep of our cemeteries via Council Tax and therefore pay lower fees than non-residents of the city.

Burial and interment fees

Description Cost for city resident Cost for non-city resident
Full size grave £1226 £2452
Cremated remains grave (including concrete foundation) £759 £1518
Woodland grave £938 £1876
Interment within a full size grave £1008 £2016
Interment of cremated remains to a depth greater than 900mm £531 £1062
Interment of cremated remains £313 £626
Interment of additional set of cremated remains (one excavation) £177 £177
Adjust grave size when excavation has taken place £179 £179
Burial in Allerton Cemetery Woodland £828 £1656
There is no charge for the interment of a child up to 18 years.

Additional charges

  • Transfer right of burial/Form of indemnity: £83
  • Saturday interment fee: Plus 50% of charges above
  • Sunday interment fee: Plus 100% of charges above
  • Burial of coffin or casket above 6 foot 6 inches by 26 inches: £123
  • Use of crematorium chapel: £177
  • Faith standby fee: £110
  • Register search (for each year searched per cemetery): £22
  • Full body exhumation: £3127
  • Cremated remains exhumation from full size grave: £1492
  • Cremated remains exhumation from cremated remains grave: £626
  • Submission of late statutory paperwork (after 10am on the working day before burial): £68
  • Assistance of self-organised interment: £223
  • Site meeting with a member of the Bereavement Team to select grave (per meeting): £420

You can download a copy of the cemeteries and burial services charges below: