Births, marriages, deaths

Cremation services costs

This price information is for the cremation services that we provide at Anfield and Springwood crematoria. It is structured to help you compare prices with other service providers and make informed choices with regard to your funeral requirements.

Cremation services

Fees for cremation services at Anfield and Springwood crematoria

Service Description Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday
Cremation (attended) A funeral where family and friends have a ceremony, event or service in our chapel followed by cremation £1029 £1544 £2058
Direct cremation (unattended) A funeral where family and friends do not attend the crematorium. They may have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased elsewhere or not at all. £414 £621 £828

Children under 18

There is no charge for the cremation of children under 18. The Children's Funeral Fund allows the council to claim all fees for the cremation (not including costs payable for the funeral director).

The above prices for cremation services include:

  • administration and registration
  • environmental recharges
  • medical referee fees
  • ashes container
  • unattended scattering of ashes
  • storage of ashes up to 12 weeks

All cremations are carried out in accordance with current legislation and statutory requirements.

Additional charges

Additional service fees at Anfield and Springwood crematoria

Service Description Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday
Additional time for chapel services 30 minutes £177 £177 £177
Larger coffins - applies to attended and unattended services Additional charge if coffin is wider than 30 inches (762mm). £276 £276 £276
Removal of items which should not be placed in coffin For example, glass, PVC, metal coffin floors, mobiles, ceramic mugs etc £285 £285 £285


The following prices apply for services Monday to Sunday, VAT applicable and included:

  • Webcasting: £48
  • Online access to webcast for 28 days: £48
  • Recording services (memory drive or DVD) per recording: £48

Scattering of ashes

The following prices apply for scattering of ashes Monday to Friday.

  • Attended with family: £43
  • Attended with family, not cremated in a Liverpool crematoria: £83
  • Burial of ashes in the Springwood woodland burial area (Liverpool resident): £313
  • Burial of ashes in the Springwood woodland burial area (non-Liverpool resident): £626

Late statutory paperwork

There is a late submission charge of £68 of statutory documentation. Your funeral director must complete all documents in hard or digital copy and submit to Allerton Cemetery Lodge before 10am on the working day before the funeral.

Help with self-assisted cremation

For a cost of £223 (Monday to Friday) a member of our team will assist with arranging the core elements of the funeral. This includes:

  • Booking
  • Guidance on registration
  • Completion of statutory forms
  • Structure of funeral and what is expected on the day. For example, sufficient mourners to transfer the coffin from the vehicle to the catafalque, music etc.