Bank transfers made to us on Friday afternoon: Due to issues with our banking provider Barclays, we were unable to review transactions. If you cannot see a record of your payment or income in your account, please contact the relevant service area.

Business rates

Hardship relief

We may be able to reduce or remit the amount a business ratepayer is liable to pay if we are satisfied that they would be in financial difficulties if we did not do so, and that granting the relief is in the interests of local people.

This relief is available at our discretion to ratepayers who are experiencing hardship. As the relief is funded by the council, we will only consider cases that are in the interest of the local community.

Before you apply

You must include the following to support your application:

  • A scanned copy of the past three years' audited accounts. The total file size should not exceed 15mb. If you are unable to attach these, we will tell you where to send them when you submit the form.
  • If you are a new business and do not have three years' audited accounts, we will ask for an estimate of annual income and expenditure and cash flow forecast for a minimum of the next 12 months.

You must confirm that the business will not exceed the de minimus State Aid regulations by accepting an award for business rates hardship.

The De Minimis Regulations allow an undertaking to receive up to EUR 200,000 'de minimis' aid over a rolling three-year period. If you are receiving, or have received, any 'de minimis' aid granted during the current or two previous financial years (from any source), you should tell us immediately with details of the aid received.

Apply online

Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data.

What happens next?

We will review your application and get back to you as soon as possible.

If your application is unsuccessful there is no right of appeal as it is a discretionary fund.

You can request that we review our decision, which will be made by the Head of Corporate Finance.