Finding a home when you leave care

Your PA will help you decide which is the best place for you to live when you leave care.
Your options may include:
- staying put with your foster carer
- supported lodgings
- Shared Lives accommodation
- supported accommodation
- independent living
Staying put
If you are an eligible care leaver, you can stay in your foster home until you turn 21 years old, or until the end of any education or training placement you are in. Both you and your foster care must agree to this arrangement.
If you stay put your foster carer becomes your landlord, and a Living Together Agreement will replace your Placement Plan. This will detail what is expected of you as you become an adult. Planning for staying put should start when you are 16 years old.
Supported lodgings
Supported lodgings may be an option if you are not yet ready to live independently when you turn 16. Sometimes you stay in supported lodgings after the age of 18 years, following an assessment of need.
In supported lodgings you are a lodger in the home of an approved host with an agreement that sets out how you must contribute to the household.
Shared Lives accommodation
If you are in foster care and have additional needs which make you eligible for support from adults social care, your foster carer may become a Shared Lives carer.
This means you can stay with your carer until you are ready to move on. You will be given an adult social care social worker who will keep in contact with both you and your carer.
Supported accommodation
Supported accommodation is available for young people aged 18 or over who are not yet ready to live independently.
Riverside Housing provide this accommodation at their sites Powerhouse and Homeground. Your PA will discuss the accommodation options with you and help you make an application.
Independent living
If you have the skills to live independently, your PA can help set you up on Property Pool Plus ( when you turn 18.
They will also help you get:
- a deposit for privately rented accommodation if social housing is not available, and the rent is considered affordable
- a setting up home allowance
- furniture and essential domestic appliances through Liverpool Citizens Support Scheme
- 100% Council Tax discount until the age of 21 if you settle in Liverpool
- 100% Council Tax discount until the age of 21 if you settle outside Liverpool - only if you keep receipts
- additional Discretionary Housing Payments
- a comprehensive benefits check
When you leave leaving care you will be given Band A priority for housing, and you will be able to remain in your pre-18 accommodation for an agreed period which will be funded while you bid on properties.
When you live independently, you will be responsible for paying your bills, maintaining your home and being a good neighbour.
Your PA will provide you with advice and support as you develop these skills and most Registered Social Landlords in Liverpool will also provide you with tenancy support.
Contact us
Your PA will put you in touch with us, the leaving care team, or you can contact us directly if you need extra support.
Always get in touch with your PA if you are struggling to pay your rent or are having problems with your landlord.