Help for homeless care leavers

Find out how to get help if you are a care leaver at risk of becoming homeless, or you are already homeless.
Help when you first leave care
When you leave care we will find you somewhere to live until you are 18 years of age. Your PA will help you decide which is the best place for you to live. Read more about finding a home when you leave care.
Help for care leavers aged 18 and 25
If at any time between the ages of 18 to 25 you become homeless, or are at risk of becoming homeless, we can help you if:
- have already left care and
- spent at least 13 weeks in care from the age of 14 and
- spent some time in while you were aged 16 or 17
For advice, support and help with finding emergency temporary accommodation please contact the Leaving Care Team
We will consider if we have a duty to provide you with accommodation. You will be classed as being in ‘priority need’ for accommodation until your 21st birthday if you are a care leaver known to the leaving care team.
Help after the age of 25
Some older care leavers can ask for urgent help from the council's homelessness service or Property Pool Plus if they are in priority need. You may have a priority need if you:
- are vulnerable as a result of having been in care
- haven't had a stable home since you left care
- have slept on the streets in the past