Stay in touch and take part in society

Keep in touch and help us improve our services, recruit staff or join our consultation events and celebrations. Find out how you can get involved.
How you can shape our leaving care local offer
Join the Children in Care Council
Liverpool's Children in Care Council is a way for you to share your views about the services you receive. It gives useful feedback to our Corporate Parenting Board four times a year.
If you'd like to get involved, please tell your PA so they can ask the Participation Team to contact you.
Take part in our consultation events
Consultation events are arranged regularly by the Leaving Care Team. Your PA will let you know when these consultations are taking place and they will encourage you to participate. If you participate in a consultation, you will be paid for your time.
Sit on our recruitment panels
We are committed to including young people in the recruitment process for new staff.
If you'd like to join an interview panel, and be paid for your time, please let your PA know.
Join our celebrations
Celebration events are arranged each year to bring young people together to celebrate your achievements.
Sign up for our text messaging service
Your PA can sign you up for the Leaving Care Text Message Service. We'll text to let you know about training and employment opportunities, consultation events and celebrations.
Just let your PA know if you no longer want to receive these texts.
Contact us
Your PA will put you in touch with us, the leaving care team, or you can contact us directly if you need extra support.