Your rights as a care leaver

As an eligible care leaver, you qualify for all the support offered by the Liverpool leaving care team, along with a number of other rights.
What are your rights?
Your right to plan your future and a Pathway Plan
We must listen to your views and work with you to make plans for your leaving care.
A pathway plan is a formal document which sets out a clear plan for your future. It sets out your needs, views, and future ambitions and states exactly what support you will receive from others to achieve them.
Your right to help with your relationships and gaining a place in society
Your PA can help you contact people special to you and those who cared for you in the past, like former foster carers. They can also help you:
- join the Electoral register and learn how to vote
- get a place on the National Citizen Service if you are under 18
- get information on groups, clubs and schemes that will help you make the most of your talents
Your right to support with your identity
We, the leaving care team, can:
- give you advice on how to access your records and case file, and apply for a birth certificate or passports
- refer you to organisations or solicitors who can help with immigration issues
- link you up with organisations that will support your faith, ethnicity, culture, gender or sexuality
Your right to access your information and records
Children's Services holds information about you and your care history and you are entitled to access this. If you wish to access information about you and your care history speak to your PA in the first instance. If you wish to see your file, you need to make the request in writing to:
Customer Insight and Information Team, Adult Services, Liverpool City Council, Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH or email
When the information has been prepared for you, your PA will support you to understand what is in your file and why.
Your right to complain about the support you get
You can contact the leaving care team about the support you get once you leave care or make a complaint about children's services.
Contact us
Your PA will put you in touch with us, the leaving care team, or you can contact us directly if you need extra support.