Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Children and families

Find a nursery or childcare provider

Are you looking for a childcare provider? Do you need to find a nursery, childminder or out of school club?

To find a local provider:

Liverpool City Council does not check childcare providers listed in the Liverpool Family Information and SEND Directory. You must check all their certificates, qualifications and insurance documents.

Information and guidance

Call Liverpool's Early Help Information Service on 0800 085 2022 (option 2) or visit the Liverpool Family Information and SEND Directory for guidance on:

  • childcare costs
  • support for a child with a disability
  • funded early education places

Both Liverpool Family Information and Support Directory and the helpline can give you more information about the types of providers listed below:

  • Childminders - work in their own home and are Ofsted inspected. Some childminders will take children to and from school.
  • Day nurseries - provide full and part-time care for children aged nought to five. Some will take three and four-year-olds to and from school.
  • Children’s centres - with integrated services such as health, family support and childcare.
  • Out of school clubs - in or near schools offering group play and learning.
  • Holiday play schemes - schemes for children from age three with a closed door policy. Open access schemes for older children up to age 16.
  • Parent and toddler groups - stimulating play for young children and social environment for parents.
  • Playgroups - for preschool children between the ages of two and five to learn and play.

Childcare outside Liverpool

For childcare outside of Liverpool, please search the Family and Childcare Trust website.