Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)
Providers of free early years education can claim an Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) over £300 per year to spend on enriching your child’s education.
How could this help my child?
The money will help your child to:
- Enjoy extra resources and equipment.
- Enjoy a range of new play, learning and activity experiences.
- Prepare for starting school.
Providers who receive this funding must demonstrate to Ofsted how they have used it to help improve your child’s development.
If you move your child to another provider the funding can also be transferred but it cannot be used to reduce your fees.
Do I qualify?
If you receive one of the benefits listed below, the provider of free early education for your child may be entitled to claim funding for your child:
- Universal Credit, if a parent is entitled to Universal Credit you must have a household annual income equivalent to and not exceeding £7,400, assessed on up to three of the parent's most recent Universal Credit assessment periods.
- Income Support.
- Income based Jobseekers Allowance.
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance.
- Child Tax Credit (providing you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190).
- Working Tax Credit Run-on, paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
- The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
They can also claim if your child:
- Has been looked after by the local authority in care for at least one day.
- Has been adopted from care.
- Has left care through special guardianship.
- Is subject to a child arrangement order.
What do I do next?
If you think you qualify, please speak to your childcare provider. They will confirm if you are eligible and apply for the funding.
Information for providers
Not all three and four-year-olds will attract this funding – it’s aimed at helping the most disadvantaged children.
How a provider chooses to spend this funding is up to them, but they must be able to demonstrate how they are spending it, and what difference it will make to those children.
This funding is not a supplement to fees and cannot be used by the provider to reduce charges for parents who pay for childcare
If an eligible child is taking less than the full entitlement of free early education, then the EYPP will be reduced accordingly.
Once you, the provider, have identified and checked a child’s eligibility, you will be required to maintain evidence and will be asked to validate eligibility when submitting your head count information.
Contact us
Fore help and information contact the Liverpool Family and Childcare Information Service.