Consultation and engagement

Consultation on parking measures around the new Everton Stadium (Bramley Moore Dock)

Start date: Thursday 6th February 2025
End date: Monday 18th August 2025

What are we consulting on?

We are consulting on the measures that are being introduced to manage parking around the new Everton Stadium - Bramley Moore Dock.

An initial consultation on the proposals took place in November 2022. Following the outcome of this consultation, the original proposals have been revised.

We now intend to introduce the parking controls through an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). This will become operational on Monday 17th February 2025 for up to a maximum period of 18 months. It will expire on Monday 17th August 2026.

The use of an ETRO will allow us to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the scheme, and modify it if necessary, before making the measures permanent.

The proposal aims to discourage the use of car travel to the stadium, to reduce the impact to residents and businesses, whilst also improving congestion, air quality and road safety.

This consultation is part of the statutory legal procedure when introducing a Traffic Regulation Order.  The proposal has been published in the Liverpool Echo on 6th February 2025, and site notices have been placed at strategic points around the affected areas directing people to this consultation.

What are the proposed changes?

The proposals cover an area around the stadium that is within a 30 minute walking distance. The parking controls will generally apply:

  • North of Boundary Street 10am to midnight, every day from 1st August to 30th June.
  • South of Boundary Street 10am to midnight, every day all year round. 
  • Great Homer Street area 8am to midnight, every day all year around.

This will stop commuter parking near the city centre.

We are introducing different types of parking controls across the area. These will provide:

  • Permit parking areas for residents.
  • Permit parking areas for businesses, including parking for up to 1 hour for non-permit holders.
  • Designated taxi bays.
  • Single yellow lines that will be in effect during the operative times of the scheme.
  • Double yellow lines that will operate at all times.
  • Loading restrictions that will operate at certain times or at all times.
  • Taxi bays that will operate at certain times.

Supporting documentation

You can download details on the scheme and supporting documentation below. 

Please note that the area map documents may not be accessible to users of assistive technology. If you struggle to view a map online and need it to be described to you, please email 

Hard copies of all the above are also available to view at the following libraries:

Allerton, Central, Childwall, Garston, Lee Valley, Norris Green, Old Swan, Kensington, Lister Drive (The Old Library), Sefton Park, Spellow, Speke Parklands, Toxteth, Wavertree, West Derby.

Residents and businesses

If you live in or have a business in the area, you will need a permit to park during the times the scheme is in operation. We have already sent letters out to residents and businesses about the new parking rules in their area.

Prior to the stadium coming into full use for the 2025/26 football season, Everton Football Club will be holding a series of test events at the stadium. The first will take place on Monday 17th February 2025.

Whilst the parking scheme will be in operation from this date, residents and businesses may not have had the opportunity to apply for and receive their permits - we will take this into consideration when undertaking enforcement of the scheme.

We advise you to have permits in place for the second test event, which will take place in late March 2025.

Frequently asked questions

Everton Football Club has built a new stadium at Bramley Moore Dock, off Regent Road, with space for 52,888 people. Without parking rules like permits or waiting restrictions, visitors might park in nearby streets. This could cause traffic problems and inconvenience for local residents and businesses.
The parking scheme is a requirement for the stadium. It must be in place before any matches can take place.

The operating times depend on where your home or business is.

  • North of Boundary Street: 10am to midnight, every day from 1st August to 30th June.
  • South of Boundary Street: 10am to midnight, every day, all year round. This also stops commuter parking near the city centre.
  • Great Homer Street area: 8am to midnight, every day, all year around.

Double yellow lines (no parking at any time) and double kerb blips (no loading at any time) will apply all year, everywhere in the zone.

Matches can happen any day of the week, with kick-off times between midday and 8pm. Other events, like concerts, might finish late. The set hours ensure all events are covered. Some areas have other parking problems and these rules will help those as well.

  • Residents permits are free. One permit per vehicle registered at your address and one visitor permit per property.
  • Business permits are £50 per permit per year, up to 10 permits per business.

Businesses cannot get extra permits for businesses. The number is limited to 10 to avoid overcrowding. This will be monitored during the trial period.


Residents need to provide proof of address documents dated within the last 12 months and may include any of the following:

  • Council Tax bill or letter
  • Electoral register letter
  • Bank statement
  • Utility bill
  • Driving licence
  • Mortgage or tenancy agreement

Proof of vehicle details must include:

  • V5 registration document - this must confirm the car is registered at the applicant's address.
  •  Insurance certificate and schedule

Businesses need to provide proof of business location and a business rates account number.

Visitors must display a visitor permit. Residents are responsible for providing and collecting the permit. Parking on a driveway does not require a permit.

Visitors can park for up to 1 hour without a permit in commercial or industrial areas. Signs will show this.

This will be allowed in the following areas:

  • Blackstone Street area
  • Esk Street area
  • Juniper Street area
  • Love Lane area
  • Roberts Street area
  • Ten Streets area
  • Walter Street area

The scheme will start on Monday 17th February 2025, ready for the first test event.

If you need a permit to park where you live or have a business in a permit area we recognise that not everyone may get their permit in time for the first test event on 17th February 2025. This will be taken into account when enforcement starts.

You may get a ticket if you park on yellow lines or bus stops or other places where you cannot park.

The second test event has not been announced yet but you will need to apply for a parking permit in plenty of time.

You can check the website for Everton Football Club to see when the second test event will happen. The date will also be announced through the press and social media. There will be other test events.

The scheme will be fully operational for the 2025/26 football season.

You need to pay the fine following the instructions on the back of the PCN.
If you disagree why it was issued, then it can be challenged as per the instructions on the PCN.

If no permit is displayed, you could receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). If you believe it was issued in error, follow the instructions on the back of the PCN to challenge it.

The stadium will have 52 parking spaces for disabled fans, which must be pre-booked with the club.

The club will also offer free shuttle services for disabled fans between the stadium and nearby car parks or Sandhills Station. You will need to pre-book a space with the club on the Everton FC website.

A valid permit is still required.

Most streets won’t have painted bays. Instead, signs at entry points will show parking rules. Some streets will have marked bays for loading, coaches or taxis.

No, having a permit doesn’t guarantee a space.

No, permits are valid only in the specific area shown on the permit.

No, permits don’t allow parking on yellow lines or other restricted areas.

Yes, permits must be renewed every year. There are no reminder letters, so check the expiry date on your permit.

You will need to request a replacement for £25. If stolen, we will need a police reference number. You can request a replacement permit online.

No. Selling or misusing permits will result in them being cancelled, and you may not get another one in the future.

No, visitor permits are for people visiting your home, not the stadium.

If you have a valid permit for an existing scheme (for example, Great Homer Street, Great Homer Street West, Ten Streets or Love Lane), you can use it until it expires. Make sure you apply for a renewal in time.

 How to comment

You can comment on this consultation online.

Comment on the Bramley Moore ETRO

What happens to my views?

We will use your views to decide whether to modify the scheme prior to making it permanent. Personal information will be kept confidential but your comments or suggestions will be publicly available. This will typically be in the form of a consultation report.

We may contact you for clarification and discussion on any comments you make.

All information will be held in compliance with our privacy policy.

What happens next?

The scheme will operate for up to 18 months from 17th February 2025. We will analyse and review feedback to see whether localised or area-wide modifications are needed before the review period expires.

If there are no outstanding objections and the scheme is operating effectively, it will then be made permanent.

If there are outstanding objections to the scheme that cannot be resolved, these will be considered by a future Highways and Public Spaces Representations Committee. The committee will make the final decision on whether to support the objections or not, and whether to make the scheme permanent.

Further information

If you have any questions about this consultation, please email