Public Health Liverpool

Age well

The focus of prevention in older age groups is around healthy active ageing and supporting independence, so older people are able to enjoy long and healthy lives, feeling safe at home and connected to their community.  

Key facts

  • In 2021, there were 102,600 people (ONS, 2023) living in Liverpool who were aged over 60 years, which represents a 17% rise since 2001.
  • The largest increase in the older population has occurred in the 85+ years cohort (23% rise).
  • Mortality from COVID-19 has had an unequal impact on different population groups and exacerbated existing inequalities. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused life expectancy in Liverpool in 2018 - 20 to fall to the level of a decade ago.
  • On average, men born in Liverpool can expect to live to 76.1 years while women born in Liverpool can expect to live to 79.9 years, both significantly below the England average and the 2nd lowest out of 8 core cities after Manchester.
  • The life expectancy gap at birth between the richest and poorest deciles in the city has widened to 9.1 years compared to 7.4 years before the pandemic.
  • Healthy life expectancy in Liverpool is significantly below the national average at 58.3 years in males and 57.9 years in females while the gap with England is 5 years and 6 years respectively.
  • Deaths in 85+ year olds have been steadily increasing since 2014 and by 17% overall between 2014 and 2022 in that age group.
  • Healthy life expectancy at 65 years stands at 8.4 years for males and 8.3 years for females, both significantly below national levels (10.5 years and 11.3 years respectively).
  • Falls are the largest cause of emergency hospital admissions for older people, and significantly impact on long term outcomes. In 2021/22, Liverpool had the 7th highest rate in the country for falls injuries among older people, with around 2,065 emergency hospital admissions annually.
  • Hip fracture is a debilitating condition – only one in three sufferers return to their former levels of independence and one in three ends up leaving their own home and moving to long-term care. In 2021/22, there were 450 people aged 65 and over who experienced a hip fracture, significantly above national levels.
  • The percentage of older people who are still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement services is significantly above the England rate (90.9% compared to 81.8%).
  • Latest figures show deaths among older persons aged 85 and over in the city were 8.5% higher in the winter compared to the non-winter periods which is below the national level (20.8%).

Liverpool information

Liverpool City Region (LCR)

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities profiles