FPN - offence types and codes
- F01 - non-compliance with Dog Control Order.
- F05 - depositing litter.
- F03 - breach of Public Space Protection Order (PSPO).
- F04 - flytipping.
- F10 - failure to produce waste documents.
- F11 - flyposting. Displaying adverts in contravention of regulations.
- F14 - smoking in a smoke-free premises.
- F18 - non-compliance with Dogs on Leads by Direction Order.
- F19 - non-compliance with Dogs on Leads Order.
- F20 - non-compliance with Dogs Exclusion Order.
- F21 - non-compliance with Street Litter Notice.
- F22 - non-compliance with Litter Clearing Notice.
- F23 - non-compliance with Waste Receptacles Notice.
- F25 - flyposting. Painting or affixing things on the highway surface or any tree structure or works on or in a highway.
- F26 - failing to comply with a Community Protection Notice.