
Liverpool Food Hub Wholesale Market

Liverpool City Council has operated a wholesale market since 1859. Its first home was on Cazneau Street and, after moving several times, it can now be found on Electric Avenue with its excellent links to the M57 and beyond. The market's dedicated, professional traders offer an excellent choice of quality wholesale fruit, vegetable and flowers.

Liverpool Food Hub

Liverpool Food Hub

Find us

Liverpool Food Hub, 1 Electric Avenue, Liverpool L11 0EN

Opening hours

Monday to Friday 4am 12pm
Saturday 4am 9am



Our traders

There are a huge range of traders selling local products to businesses at this market. To find out more about each trader, what they sell and how they can support your business, please use their individual contact details below.

Vacant units

When they become available, vacant units are advertised on the council's Property and Management Service website.

Liverpool Food Hub video

Find out a bit more about Liverpool Food Hub by watching this short video.

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