Planning and building control

Planning permission for houses in multiple occupation

All houses in multiple occupation (HMO) anywhere in Liverpool for seven or more people are subject to planning permission. You must also find out if your HMO needs a valid licence.

You also need planning permission if a property is being converted into a HMO for three or more people within the Article 4 area.

HMOs for three or more people for properties within the Article 4 area

If your property is located within an Article 4 area and you want to convert it into a house in multiple occupation (HMO) for three or more people, you now need planning permission.

The change in law is in response to an Article 4 directive. Premises in use as HMOs for three or more people in these Wards before 17th June 2021 are not affected by this change.

You must also find out if your HMO needs a valid licence.

You can find further advice in relation to HMOs and planning requirements in the advice note below:

I need proof that I do not need to apply

If your HMO for three or more people is located within the Article 4 area and was converted before 17th June 2021, and you need proof that you do not need to apply for planning permission, you can apply for a lawful development certificate.