CCTV and City Watch privacy notice

Who is the data controller for the information I provide?

Liverpool City Council is the data controller for all CCTV footage. City Watch is the council service area that manages this data on behalf of the council. 

Why we collect your data

City Watch collects data to help prevent, deter and detect crimes, and improve public safety and reassurance. We may also collect and process your data to respond to requests for footage, which might include payment purposes. Some call data may be collected to assist in processing requests and ensuring effective services to the public.

What is the legal basis for collecting and processing this data?

The legal basis for using your data in this way is as a public task. Processing is necessary to perform a task in the public interest or for official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law. 

There are a number of statutory functions set out within government legislation that requires local authorities to take action to support communities, businesses, residents and visitors. This includes the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, the Environmental Crime Act 1990 and the Highways Act 1980. It is these statutory obligations that provides local authorities with the legal basis for using CCTV data in the support of its functions. 

Information we may collect

City Watch may collect geographical, personal and sometimes sensitive data obtained through public space CCTV cameras. In addition, telephone calls that are made to the City Watch team may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

Do I have to provide this information, and what will happen if I don’t?

The data we collect using CCTV does not require prior consent as it would be impractical to request the consent of everyone observed through the CCTV cameras in public spaces, and also because the collection of this data is both in the public interest and in the pursuit of this legitimate aim. 

If, when requesting access under your subject access rights, you do not provide your information, then we will not be able to process your request or search for your footage and provide it to you.

Who will your information be shared with?

City Watch may share your data with Merseyside Police, other national police forces, security agencies, Liverpool City Council departments, other local authorities, Merseytravel, North West Ambulance Service, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and Liverpool One. 

How long will you keep this information for and why?

Although most data captured is overwritten automatically after 31 days, we may retain data for up to two years. This enables us to provide support to our law enforcement partners and respond to your requests for footage after an event, such as road traffic collisions.

How will my information be stored?

CCTV footage is stored on secure electronic, digital storage devices. They are held in a restricted access area with high levels of data security, compliant with British Standards (BS7958).

Source of the data if we are recipient and hold it for others

City Watch may receive data from partner agencies such as Merseyside Police and other national police forces and security agencies, DVLA, Liverpool City Council departments and other local authorities, Merseytravel, North West Ambulance Service, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and Liverpool One.

Will this information be used to take automated decisions about me?


Will my data be transferred abroad?


What rights do I have when it comes to my data?

You have a number of rights that are set out on the How to access your data page of this section.

Right to be informed: through this privacy notice.

Right of access: You are entitled to request a copy of any information we hold about you and to know what it is used for and how it has been shared. This is called the right of subject access. Any such requests must be made in writing. To request a copy of your data, please refer to the CCTV information pages.

Right to rectification: If the information we hold about you is inaccurate you have a right to have this corrected and you have the right to request completion of incomplete data.

Right to object to processing: You have the right to request that we stop, or restrict the processing of your personal data, in certain circumstances. Where possible we will seek to comply with your request, but we may be required to hold or process information to comply with a legal requirement.

Where can I get advice?

View our Help and advice page for more information.