Taxi accident reporting form privacy notice

Who is the data controller for the information I provide?

Liverpool City Council is the data controller.

Why do we collect your data?

The primary purpose of collecting and processing this data is to ensure public safety. By monitoring and inspecting vehicles involved in accidents, Liverpool City Council can determine whether they remain fit for service and take appropriate actions if they are not.

What is the legal basis for collecting and processing this data?

We will process your information for the purposes of meeting our legal obligations. Section 50(3) of the LGMPA 1976. This section mandates that the proprietor of any Hackney carriage or private hire vehicle must report any accident to the vehicle that materially affects the safety, performance, or appearance of the vehicle or the comfort or convenience of passengers to the local authority. This report must be made within 72 hours of the occurrence of the accident.

Compliance with UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018:

  • Article 6(1)(c) of the UK GDPR: Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. In this context, local authorities are legally required to collect accident reports under the LGMPA 1976.
  • Article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR: Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller. Local authorities have the mandate to ensure public safety and regulate taxi services, which includes monitoring vehicle safety.

We will process your data to:

  • Comply with legal obligations: Ensure adherence to the requirements set out in the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, which mandates reporting of any accidents that materially affect the safety, performance, or appearance of the vehicle, or the comfort or convenience of passengers.
  • Ensure public safety: Assess the impact of reported accidents on the safety and suitability of Hackney carriage and private hire vehicles, ensuring that they remain safe for public use.
  • Maintain service standards: Monitor and regulate the condition of Hackney carriage and private hire vehicles to maintain high service standards and public trust in the transportation system.
  • Conduct investigations: Facilitate any necessary investigations into accidents to determine if further action, such as repairs or vehicle inspections, is required to maintain vehicle safety and compliance with regulations.
  • Improve regulatory oversight: Enhance the oversight and regulation of Hackney carriage and private hire services to ensure ongoing compliance with safety standards and legal requirements.

The information we may collect

Personal information of the vehicle proprietor:

  • Full name
  • Contact details - phone number, email address
  • Address

Vehicle information:

  • Vehicle registration number
  • Make and model of the vehicle
  • License plate number
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Insurance details

Accident details:

  • Date and time of the accident
  • Location of the accident
  • Description of the accident
  • Photos or diagrams of the accident scene
  • Nature of the damage to the vehicle

Driver information, if different from the proprietor:

  • Full name
  • Contact details - phone number, email address
  • Address
  • Driving licence number

Passenger information, if applicable:

  • Number of passengers
  • Contact details of passengers if needed for investigation

Witness information, if applicable:

  • Names and contact details of witnesses

Police report information, if applicable:

  • Police report number
  • Contact details of the investigating officer

Repair and inspection details:

  • Details of any immediate repairs
  • Inspection reports by the local authority or other authorised personnel

Additional notes and comments:

  •  Any additional information provided by the vehicle proprietor or driver
  • Comments from local authority officers or investigators

By collecting this comprehensive information, the local authority can effectively assess and manage the impact of accidents on Hackney carriage and private hire vehicles, ensuring compliance with safety standards and regulations.

Do I have to provide this information, and what will happen if I don’t?

Under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 (LGMPA 1976), vehicle proprietors are legally required to provide the specified information about accidents involving Hackney carriage and private hire vehicles.

Specifically, Section 50(3) of the LGMPA 1976 mandates that the proprietor of any Hackney carriage or private hire vehicle must report any accident to the vehicle that materially affects the safety, performance, or appearance of the vehicle, or the comfort or convenience of passengers to the local authority within 72 hours of the occurrence.

If a vehicle proprietor fails to provide the required information, several consequences may ensue:

  • Legal penalties.
  • Fines. The local authority may impose fines on the proprietor for failing to comply with the reporting requirements.
  • Prosecution. Persistent non-compliance can lead to legal action, resulting in prosecution and potentially more severe penalties.
  • Vehicle licensing issues. Including the suspension of a license to operate as a Hackney carriage or private hire vehicle until the required information is provided and the vehicle is inspected and deemed safe. Or the local authority may revoke the vehicle’s operating license altogether in severe cases, or where there is repeated failure to comply.
  • Operational restrictions. Including vehicle inspection and repairs. The vehicle may be subject to immediate inspection and may not be allowed to operate until any necessary repairs are completed and the vehicle is confirmed to be safe for public use.
  • Impact on insurance claims. Failure to report an accident as required by law may complicate insurance claims, potentially resulting in denied claims or delays in processing.
  • Public safety concerns. Operating a vehicle that has not been properly reported and inspected following an accident poses a risk to public safety. This could lead to further legal and regulatory scrutiny.

Who will your information be shared with?

We do not sell, trade or rent any personal information to others. The information you provide may be shared with:

  • other council services such as our Licensing and Public Safety teams
  • Police and law enforcement
  • insurance companies
  • vehicle inspection and repair services
  • legal representatives
  • regulatory bodies

Your information may be shared internally for the purpose of the service being provided. All staff who access personal information have received appropriate training on the handling of confidential data. Access to all information restricted by usernames and passwords.

We will also share your information within the council or with external third parties where it is necessary, and the law allows it. The external bodies we may share data will include Personnel Checks as the authorised administrator for taxi licensing, Police, Home Office and other government agencies including local authorities.

How long will you keep this information for and why?

Please see What we do with your data for the council's full retention schedule.

How will my information be stored?

We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

All information you provide to us will be stored in a range of different secure management systems applicable to the type of service we have been engaged to provide, on secure internal IT and email systems and within secure filing cabinets.

All information you provide to us is stored on our secure servers or on secure servers operated by third parties. Where we have given you, or where you have chosen a password which enables you to access certain parts of our sites, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone else.

Source of the data if we are recipient and hold it for others

In order to meet our legal obligations we may receive information about you from internal and external bodies than can include government bodies, local authorities and Police and members of the public.

Will this information be used to take automated decisions about me?


Will my data be transferred abroad and why?


What rights do I have when it comes to my data?

You have a number of rights that are set out on the How to access your data page of this section.

Where can I get advice?

View our Help and advice page for more information.