Professional referrals

Family help advice and guidance

Family  help in Liverpool is designed to support children of all ages that improves a family’s resilience and outcomes, or reduces the chance of a problem getting worse. 

It is not an individual service, but a system of support delivered by local authorities and their partners working together and taking collective responsibility to provide the right provision in their area.

The family help assessment (FHA) formerly known as an early help assessment (EHAT), is a tool used for gathering information which offers a standard approach to identifying emerging needs for local families.

The FHA helps practitioners to gather and understand information about the needs and strengths of children and the family. This is based on discussions with children and their family and other practitioners as appropriate.

Some Family Help is delivered through schools, early years settings or our Family Hubs and Childrens Centres. In these circumstances, the person leading the Family Help Assessment will be the professional from these agencies.

In other circumstances, where the needs are more complex, the Family Help Assessment is led and managed by an Outreach Family Support worker within one of the local Family Help Teams.

Contact us

If you are a professional who would like more information about how to support a family you are working with through Family Help, please contact Liverpool Family Help Support Team on 0152 233 1359 or email