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Children and families

24 Magic Months free app

24 Magic Months logo

The first two years of your baby’s life are the most important for their growth and development. It’s a very special time and, while it can be hard going at times, this free app developed by Liverpool City Council will help you to make magic moments and mark every incredible milestone.

What does 24 Magic Months offer?

The screenshots below give you an idea of the app features, including ideas for simple and quick activities to do with your baby based of their age, as well as the opportunity to record your baby's milestones.

Sample screen on the app which shows the baby milestone trackerSample screen on the app with advice about milestones

The features of the app include:

  • simple, quick and low-cost activities to help your baby’s development from birth up to two years old
  • advice and tips from trusted, experienced local healthcare professionals
  • up-to-date advice and information on topics including behaviour, sleep and introducing solids in one place
  • information about your baby’s development milestones. These are the things most children can do by the time they reach a certain age
  • advice and information about being a parent and ways to look after yourself
  • alerts with advice and information that are tailored to your baby’s age

Download 24 Magic Months

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