Bank transfers made to us on Friday afternoon: Due to issues with our banking provider Barclays, we were unable to review transactions. If you cannot see a record of your payment or income in your account, please contact the relevant service area.

Benefits and support

Liverpool Citizens Support Scheme

If you find yourself in crisis you can apply for support to get food and necessities for you and your family including gas and electric vouchers (urgent needs) and furniture and household essentials (home needs). 

You may need support in an emergency or crisis such as a fire or flood, or you have had to move due to violence or fear of violence. We can also help if you are leaving care or prison, and need support to stay in the community.

We may also be able to provide support if you are struggling financially and unable to pay the council's green waste collection charge.

Tenants of Registered Social Landlords will not normally be eligible for furniture packages and single items, including domestic appliances. We may provide support to some Registered Social Landlord tenants who have exceptional circumstances.

Am I eligible for support?

If you live in Liverpool or you’re moving to the area, you can apply for support if you are over 16 and unemployed or on a low income, or receive any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit only)
  • Tax Credits
  • Personal Independence Payments
  • Universal Credit

How to apply

Call Freephone 0800 456 1523 or 0151 233 3053 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

You will need to confirm your identity and address and we will get in touch with you if we need further information to support your application.

Funding for the scheme is limited and we need to consider the number of people applying for help and what funds are available.

How many times can I apply for a home needs or urgent needs award?

There is normally a limit of two awards in a 12-month period following the date you receive your first award. 

If you receive a home needs and urgent needs award as part of your first application, this counts as one award.

However, we know that additional problems or crises occur and in special circumstances we may consider making another award. 

What happens next?

Due to the high volume of applications we receive, we will process urgent needs within two working days and home needs within 10 working days. If we need more information it may take longer.

If you are unhappy with our decision you can ask for a review by emailing or write to Liverpool Citizen Support Scheme, Revenues and Benefits Service, Cunard Building, Water Street, L3 1AH.

You can also call the Freephone helpline on 0800 456 1523 or 0151 233 3053 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

How will I receive an award?

Urgent needs

We will email or text you a voucher. If you don't have a mobile or email address, you can ask a named third party, such as Citizens Advice or a social worker, to receive it on your behalf and print it off.

You can cash the vouchers in at PayPoint outlets across the city.

Home needs

The Furniture Resource Centre will contact you to arrange delivery, which is normally 5 working days from the order date.

Installation is included for gas/electric cookers. 

What if items become damaged or broken?

All white goods are new and come with a 12-month warranty. You should complete and return the warranty to the manufacturer when your goods arrive to validate the warranty. If you don't, faulty items may not be replaced.

Report damages or faults with any other new items to the Furniture Resource Centre on 0151 702 0550 or email