Adult Social Care

Adaptations for your home

Minor adaptations in your home

Minor adaptations to your home can include:

  • wall-mounted rails or wall to floor rails to help you get in or out of your home
  • a concrete ramp to support you to get in and out of your home in your wheelchair
  • a wall-mounted shower chair

You can ask for an occupational therapy assessment if you think minor adaptations may help you.

The minor adaptations team aim to complete any routine works within 30 working days.

How much do minor adaptations cost?

If we recommend equipment or a minor adaptation following an assessment, the assessment and some recommend items will be free of charge. We may have to charge you for other items.

Please contact your housing association to discuss your request for minor adaptations in the first instance. Many housing associations hold their own budget for minor adaptations and will accept self-referrals.

Major adaptations in your home

A major adaptation is a structural alteration to your home. It should help you live there safely and independently for as long as possible.

A major adaptation could include:

  • a level access shower
  • an alteration that gives better access into and around your home
  • a stair lift, a vertical lift or ceiling track hoist

If you own our home, or rent it from a housing association or private landlord and think you need a major adaptation, you can ask for an occupational therapy assessment.

How much do major adaptations cost?

If we recommend a major adaptation following an assessment, and you own your home or rent from a private landlord, how much you pay will be determined by a financial assessment. 

If you rent from a private landlord, we will need to get their written consent before the work is carried out.

Your occupational therapist or assistant will refer you to our agency services team who will apply for a disabled facilities grant on your behalf to help cover the cost. They can also offer further advice on funding, plans, contractors and supervising work.

If you are in the process of getting a major adaptation recommended by us and need help, please contact agency services

If you live in a housing association-owned property they may:

  • ask your occupational therapist or assistant to apply for a disabled facilities grant to help cover the cost of the major adaptation
  • ask you to consider finding a new home which is more suitable for your needs

Your housing association may have other conditions that relate to major adaptations - please contact your housing association them to find out more.

Funding your own major adaptations

Due to demand, delays to work carried out by us following are assessment are common.

To speed things up, you may decide to pay for the work yourself. If you rent from a private landlord or housing association you must get their permission before you start the work.