Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Benefits and support

Tell us about a change in your circumstances

If you receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support you must tell us if your circumstances change as it could affect your entitlement.

You should also tell us of any changes if you are in the process of applying.

Tell us if:

  • your income or benefits change
  • the income or benefits of someone who lives with you change
  • your rent or landlord changes
  • there is a birth or death in your household
  • you move from one address in Liverpool to another (you don’t need to tell us if you are changing hostels)
  • anyone moves into or out of your home, including lodgers and sub-tenants
  • you are no longer entitled to claim
  • you no longer wish to claim

When you enter the system choose the 'Report a change of circumstances' link.

Tell us about a change

If you are a landlord or third party and want to report changes to a tenancy, tenancy termination, vacation or rent charge please use this form to report a change.