Bank transfers made to us on Friday afternoon: Due to issues with our banking provider Barclays, we were unable to review transactions. If you cannot see a record of your payment or income in your account, please contact the relevant service area.

Children and families

Anfield Children's Centre

We provide free weekly fun activities for parents, carers and their children and support and advice for families and expectant parents.

If you've never used a children's centre before you'll need to register your details before accessing services. Complete your registration online or visit your nearest children's centre to register.

Find us

Oakfield, Anfield, L4 2QG

Contact us

Opening hours


Activity timetable

Visit our website for parent and toddler activities, which include Stay and Play sessions and Baby Massage.

Other services at this centre

Nursery provision

Contact the centre for information about nursery places.

Family support

From housing, money and benefits to health and wellbeing, we offer a range of family support services for people in the area.


We provide advice and support to parents of children with additional needs.

Sensory room

State of the art sensory equipment and a place for children and adults to explore and develop their senses and skills. Includes soft play areas, padded floors and walls and interactive equipment, sound, lighting and fragrance.

Employment support

If you are beginning your return to work journey we offer the ESF Ways to Work programme at our centre.