Communities and safety

Create a My Council account

Create a My Council account to find your nearest services, or report and track issues in your local area.

Why create an account?

With a My Council account you can:

  • Track progress on a missed bin collection or street-based issue you logged online.
  • View your bin collection dates and Council Tax band.
  • Find your nearest schools, libraries, Lifestyles centres, parks and more.

How do I create an account?

It only takes a couple of minutes to create one. We just need your name and email address.

Create a My Council account now

Not the right account?

There are separate accounts which allow you to access the council services listed below. 

  • Lifestyles – become a Lifestyles member or book a class.
  • Council Tax – set up a Direct Debit, apply for a single person discount, notify us of a change and more.
  • Licensing and Regulations (LAR) – log noise, private housing and environmental health complaints. Comment on planning applications.
  • Library – access Read Liverpool to download eBooks and other resources.
  • School admissions – register for a Citizen Portal account to apply for Reception or Year 7 places.