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Consultation and engagement

Moving traffic enforcement survey results

The moving traffic enforcement survey ran from 7th November to 19th December 2022.

We asked

We wanted to hear your views on our proposal to apply for new powers to enforce moving traffic contraventions to help reduce congestion, improve air quality and road safety, and encourage sustainable travel at the following locations:

  1. New Quay / George’s Dock Gates / St Nicholas Place / Chapel Street northbound – yellow box junction;
  2. New Quay / George’s Dock Gates / St Nicholas Place / Chapel Street southbound – yellow box junction;
  3. St Anne Street outside Liverpool Community Fire Station – yellow box junction;
  4. Whitechapel / Hood Street / Crosshall Street – yellow box junction;
  5. Watergate Lane at Much Woolton Catholic School – school street;
  6. Arlington Avenue - Greenbank Primary School – school street;
  7. Lime Street – Bus-only link;
  8. Copperas Hill – left-turn into Ranelagh Place; and
  9. Ranelagh Place – banned U-turn.

The results of the consultation were used in deciding whether to apply to the Department for Transport for powers to enforce moving traffic contraventions under the Traffic Management Act (2004) Part 6.

An online survey was launched on 7th November 2022 which was accessed via the Liverpool City Council Consultation webpage. The consultation provided details of the planned civil enforcement of moving traffic contraventions, including the types of restrictions to be enforced and the proposed locations. To raise awareness of the consultation, there were press releases in Liverpool Echo and Liverpool Express, and advertisements on Liverpool City Council’s social media platforms.

Paper copies of the survey were available on request and one public consultation event was held at Central Library on 6th December 2022 to allow members of the public to view and discuss the proposals.

An online survey was created where respondents were asked whether they agree with moving traffic enforcement at the proposed nine locations. Paper copies of the survey were available at Central Library for those respondents who do not have access to the internet. The consultation ended on 19th December 2022.

You said

A total of 152 responses were received from the online survey. No hard copies of the consultation questionnaire, and no letters, were received.

The results are summarised as follows:

  1. New Quay / George’s Dock Gates / St Nicholas Place / Chapel Street northbound – yellow box junction – Yes 64%, No 36%;
  2. New Quay / George’s Dock Gates / St Nicholas Place / Chapel Street southbound – yellow box junction – Yes 63%, No 37%;
  3. St Anne Street outside Liverpool Community Fire Station – yellow box junction – Yes 73%, No 27%;
  4. Whitechapel / Hood Street / Crosshall Street – yellow box junction – Yes 64%, No 36%;
  5. Watergate Lane at Much Woolton Catholic School – school street – Yes 73%, No 27%;
  6. Arlington Avenue - Greenbank Primary School – school street – Yes 66%, No 34%;
  7. Lime Street – Bus-only link – Yes 59%, No 41%;
  8. Copperas Hill – left-turn into Ranelagh Place – Yes 53%, No 47%; and
  9. Ranelagh Place – banned U-turn – Yes 65%, No 35%.

Whilst the majority of the respondents supported the proposals, the main themes for the objections included:

  • Waste of Council Tax money
  • It is an income generating scheme
  • Enforcement would penalise accidental contraventions for those who are tourists/visitors to the city
  • Enforcement should remain with the Police
  • Pavement parking should be enforced
  • More enforcement of existing parking regulations is required
  • Disapproval of the use of ANPR cameras for enforcement
  • More red-light cameras at traffic signals required.

We did

Following the overall support of the proposals in the consultation, the council's Highways and Transportation scheme recommended to the Chief Executive to progress with the application to the Department for Transport to seek powers to enforce moving traffic contraventions. This application was submitted in January 2023 with a decision expected in June 2023.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts, memories and experiences with us.