Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Consultation and engagement

Tenant satisfaction measures survey

The tenant satisfaction measures survey ran from January to March 2024.

We asked

We surveyed our customers in response to a new a set of tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing that social housing landlords must report on.

These measures are designed to help tenants understand how well a landlord is performing. This is the first year of carrying out surveys based on the TSMs.

Overall, we used 22 TSM’s to measure customer satisfaction. 12 measures were taken from the survey responses and the further ten were based on information held in our existing systems. Each of these TSM’s fit into one of five key themes:

  • keeping properties in good repair
  • respectful and helpful engagement
  • effective handling of complaints
  • maintaining building safety
  • responsible neighbourhood management

You said

Of the six households we surveyed, we received two responses.  

Residents are satisfied with the overall repairs service, maintenance and safety of our properties. With regards to complaints, the number appears high but this is due to the small number of properties the council own and the standard calculation which is set out by the regulator which measured by per 1,000 properties.

Unfortunately, 50% of the respondents did not feel that their views were listened to and actioned.

View the tenant satisfaction measures survey results 2023/2024 in full

We did

We have acknowledged this feedback and strengthened procedures with our managing agent.

This is the first year of carrying out surveys based on the TSMs. We will use the feedback from the TSMs to continue to drive improvements in our homes and services.